Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's been a while.

I moved.  I didn't take the bed with me.  I bought the worlds most uncomfortable futon from Wally World instead.  A lot has happened since I updated last.  I was hired and fired from a job (I'm looking if you need help), I have a new girlfriend.  Allyson is awesome.  She amazes me everyday. 

So to the rides...

If you haven't been to Hell's Kitchen ( you really need to go.  Tucked away in the mountains on the 74, it is a bikers dream.  The ride up the 74 is amazing, topped off by awesome views of Lake Elisnore.  Parking at Hells Kitchen is for bikes in front and cars off to the side.  Be aware, CHP likes to sit at the ranger station just up the hill.  But that is no concern for us is it?  We ALWAYS obey the law.

I spent last weekend at Pala with the Legacy Vets / Vietnam Veterans motorcycle club ( great rally, great cause. 

I am always looking for new rides.  If you know of one, let me know.